Friday, November 9, 2012

The premise

I like to knit. I love to bake. I'm learning to sew with a sewing machine. Currently I'm good a knitting and baking, but rather amateurish at sewing. But I'm working on it.

The plan is to record my projects, successes and failures and to plan new and exciting ones.

My main failure so far would be the lack of posts, but I'm working on that. I've thought about it a lot though, so that should count. At some point I will introduce you to my main assistants, Violet, my kitchenaid and my as yet unnamed sewing machine, both were recently acquired as lovely birthday gifts.

So, with a picture to come, I have just recently completed a jumper for the munchkin. Luckily the weather has turned crap, so she has worn it quite a bit. This is lucky because the largest size in the pattern I had was a size 1 and she is a quite tall almost 11 month old.

I have also sewed myself a skirt, complete with french seams and wonky hem. Unfortunately I suspended my judgement and followed the pattern to the letter and so it is ridiculously big. So it looks like my first real sewing project will involve some big alterations. If I can be bothered.

In more successful sewing news, I have sewed two peasant dresses for the munchkin. As well as various basic projects (a pin cushion! a pencil case!) to practice or relearn some skills.

On the knitting horizon, I have started and abandoned a cardigan for the munchkin, I just don't like using 100% acrylic wool. My dislike though does not extend to using it to make beanies and booties for other people, which is my cunning plan to use up the massive balls of wool I now have.

I was planning a lovely long wrap cardy for myself, but unfortunately the wool for the pattern is no longer made and when I last went wool shopping I fell in love with the alternative suggested, but to have enough wool to complete it would cost at least $200 and I just don't think I can justify that. At least I was able to get some totem marl on sale to make myself a cardy for winter.

At the moment I am working on a sorbetto for myself, I'm considering it a wearable muslin, while I get the hang of fitting things to myself (the last time I really sewed for myself I hadn't finished going through puberty).

Knitting-wise I've started making this jumper in cream, sunset and watermelon. The handy thing about that was that it forced to finally complete a jumper I started for the munchkin before she was born, unfortunately although it is finished and looks very cute, it's a 000, so a long way from fitting her. Oh well, the next one can wear it. I also found a great bamboo pattern book that Mum gave me with sizes up to age 6 (Australian patterns are quite poor in terms of the range of patterns for young children who are no longer babies) with some lovely cardies.

Next I'd like to make a skirt for the munchkin and probably something from Burda 9650. For myself, I think I'll have a crack at Colette's crepe dress. I'm also going to work on my Mum's Christmas present (Christmas stockings with each person's name embroidered on them, that's 11 stockings so I should probably get started...) and my sister's Christmas present, which will be Tilly's necklace and bow belt.

So that's me, thinking, making and made for now. Next post is sure to have some lovely pictures, just as soon as I find the card reader...

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I am always blogging in my head rather than on the laptop too! AND I can never remember the SD crad - I take the camera out and leave it in the PC all the time. Lesigh.
